Source code for vnlp.sentiment_analyzer.sentiment_analyzer

from .spu_context_bigru_sentiment import SPUCBiGRUSentimentAnalyzer

[docs]class SentimentAnalyzer: """ Main API class for Sentiment Analyzer implementations. Available models: ['SPUCBiGRUSentimentAnalyzer'] In order to evaluate, initialize the class with "evaluate = True" argument. This will load the model weights that are not trained on test sets. """ def __init__(self, model = 'SPUCBiGRUSentimentAnalyzer', evaluate = False): self.models = ['SPUCBiGRUSentimentAnalyzer'] self.evaluate = evaluate if model == 'SPUCBiGRUSentimentAnalyzer': self.instance = SPUCBiGRUSentimentAnalyzer(evaluate) else: raise ValueError(f'{model} is not a valid model. Try one of {self.models}')
[docs] def predict(self, text: str) -> int: """ High level user API for discrete Sentiment Analysis prediction. 1: Positive sentiment. 0: Negative sentiment. Args: text: Input text. Returns: Sentiment label of input text. Example:: from vnlp import SentimentAnalyzer sentiment_analyzer = SentimentAnalyzer() sentiment_analyzer.predict("Sipariş geldiğinde biz karnımızı çoktan atıştırmalıklarla doyurmuştuk.") 0 """ return self.instance.predict(text)
[docs] def predict_proba(self, text: str) -> float: """ High level user API for probability estimation of Sentiment Analysis. Args: text: Input text. Returns: Probability that the input text has positive sentiment. Example:: from vnlp import SentimentAnalyzer sentiment_analyzer = SentimentAnalyzer() sentiment_analyzer.predict_proba("Sipariş geldiğinde biz karnımızı çoktan atıştırmalıklarla doyurmuştuk.") 0.08 """ return self.instance.predict_proba(text)
# this is called when an attribute is not found: def __getattr__(self, name): return self.instance.__getattribute__(name)