Source code for vnlp.named_entity_recognizer.charner

from typing import List, Tuple

import pickle

import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf

from ..tokenizer import WordPunctTokenize
from ..utils import check_and_download, load_keras_tokenizer
from .utils import ner_to_displacy_format
from ._charner_utils import create_charner_model

# Resolving parent dependencies
from inspect import getsourcefile
import os
import sys
current_path = os.path.abspath(getsourcefile(lambda:0))
current_dir = os.path.dirname(current_path)
parent_dir = current_dir[:current_dir.rfind(os.path.sep)]
sys.path.insert(0, parent_dir)

RESOURCES_PATH = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "resources/")



TOKENIZER_CHAR_LOC = RESOURCES_PATH + "CharNER_char_tokenizer.json"


RNN_DIM = 128
MLP_DIM = 32
NUM_CLASSES = 5 # Equals to len(tokenizer_label.index_word) + 1. +1 is reserved to 0, which corresponds to padded values.

[docs]class CharNER: """ CharNER Named Entity Recognizer. - This is an implementation of `CharNER: Character-Level Named Entity Recognition <>`_. - There are slight modifications to the original paper: - This version is trained for Turkish language only. - This version uses simple Mode operation among the character predictions of each token, instead of Viterbi Decoder - It achieves 0.9589 Accuracy and 0.9200 F1_macro_score. - Input data is processed by NLTK.tokenize.WordPunctTokenizer so that each punctuation becomes a new token. - Entity labels are: ['O', 'PER', 'LOC', 'ORG'] - For more details about the training procedure, dataset and evaluation metrics, see `ReadMe <>`_. """ def __init__(self, evaluate): self.model = create_charner_model(CHAR_VOCAB_SIZE, EMBED_SIZE, SEQ_LEN_MAX, NUM_RNN_STACKS, RNN_DIM, MLP_DIM, NUM_CLASSES, DROPOUT) # Check and download model weights if evaluate: MODEL_WEIGHTS_LOC = EVAL_WEIGHTS_LOC MODEL_WEIGHTS_LINK = EVAL_WEIGHTS_LINK else: MODEL_WEIGHTS_LOC = PROD_WEIGHTS_LOC MODEL_WEIGHTS_LINK = PROD_WEIGHTS_LINK check_and_download(MODEL_WEIGHTS_LOC, MODEL_WEIGHTS_LINK) # Load Model weights with open(MODEL_WEIGHTS_LOC, 'rb') as fp: model_weights = pickle.load(fp) # Set model weights self.model.set_weights(model_weights) tokenizer_char = load_keras_tokenizer(TOKENIZER_CHAR_LOC) tokenizer_label = load_keras_tokenizer(TOKENIZER_LABEL_LOC) self.tokenizer_char = tokenizer_char self.tokenizer_label = tokenizer_label def _predict_char_level(self, word_punct_tokenized: List[str]) -> List[int]: """ Returns char level predictions in integers, which will be passed to decoder. Args: word_punct_tokenized: List of tokens, tokenized by WordPunctTokenizer. Returns: List of integers, indicating entity classes for each character. """ white_space_joined_word_punct_tokens = " ".join(word_punct_tokenized) white_space_joined_word_punct_tokens = [char for char in white_space_joined_word_punct_tokens] sequences = self.tokenizer_char.texts_to_sequences([white_space_joined_word_punct_tokens]) padded = tf.keras.preprocessing.sequence.pad_sequences(sequences, maxlen = SEQ_LEN_MAX, padding = PADDING_STRAT) raw_pred = self.model([padded]).numpy() arg_max_pred = np.argmax(raw_pred, axis = 2).reshape(-1) return arg_max_pred def _charner_decoder(self, word_punct_tokenized: List[str], arg_max_pred: List[int]) -> List[str]: """ Args: word_punct_tokenized: List of tokens, tokenized by WordPunctTokenizer. arg_max_pred: List of integers, indicating entity classes for each character. Returns: decoded_entities: List of entities, one entity per token. """ lens = [0] + [len(token) + 1 for token in word_punct_tokenized] cumsum_of_lens = np.cumsum(lens) decoded_entities = [] for idx in range(len(cumsum_of_lens) - 1): lower_bound = cumsum_of_lens[idx] upper_bound = cumsum_of_lens[idx + 1] -1 # minus one prevents including the whitespace after the token island = arg_max_pred[lower_bound:upper_bound] # Extracting mode value vals, counts = np.unique(island, return_counts = True) mode_value = vals[np.argmax(counts)] detokenized_pred = self.tokenizer_label.sequences_to_texts([[mode_value]])[0] decoded_entities.append(detokenized_pred) return decoded_entities
[docs] def predict(self, text: str, displacy_format: bool = False) -> List[Tuple[str, str]]: """ Args: text: Input text. displacy_format: When set True, returns the result in spacy.displacy format to allow visualization. Returns: NER result as pairs of (token, entity). """ word_punct_tokenized = WordPunctTokenize(text) # if len chars (including whitespaces) > sequence length, split it recursively len_text = len(list(" ".join(word_punct_tokenized))) if len_text > SEQ_LEN_MAX: num_tokens = len(word_punct_tokenized) first_half_result = self.predict(" ".join(word_punct_tokenized[:num_tokens // 2])) first_half_tokens = [pair[0] for pair in first_half_result] first_half_entities = [pair[1] for pair in first_half_result] second_half_result = self.predict(" ".join(word_punct_tokenized[(num_tokens // 2):])) second_half_tokens = [pair[0] for pair in second_half_result] second_half_entities = [pair[1] for pair in second_half_result] word_punct_tokenized = first_half_tokens + second_half_tokens decoded_entities = first_half_entities + second_half_entities else: charlevel_pred = self._predict_char_level(word_punct_tokenized) decoded_entities = self._charner_decoder(word_punct_tokenized, charlevel_pred) ner_result = [(t,e) for t,e in zip(word_punct_tokenized, decoded_entities)] if not displacy_format: return ner_result else: return ner_to_displacy_format(text, ner_result)