Source code for vnlp.part_of_speech_tagger.part_of_speech_tagger

from typing import List, Tuple

from .spu_context_pos import SPUContextPoS
from .treestack_pos import TreeStackPoS

[docs]class PoSTagger: """ Main API class for Part of Speech Tagger implementations. Available models: ['SPUContextPoS', 'TreeStackPoS'] In order to evaluate, initialize the class with "evaluate = True" argument. This will load the model weights that are not trained on test sets. """ def __init__(self, model="SPUContextPoS", evaluate=False, *args): self.models = ["SPUContextPoS", "TreeStackPoS"] self.evaluate = evaluate if model == "SPUContextPoS": self.instance = SPUContextPoS(evaluate) elif model == "TreeStackPoS": if args: stemmer_analyzer = args[0] else: stemmer_analyzer = None self.instance = TreeStackPoS(evaluate, stemmer_analyzer) else: raise ValueError( f"{model} is not a valid model. Try one of {self.models}" )
[docs] def predict(self, sentence: str) -> List[Tuple[str, str]]: """ High level user API for Part of Speech Tagging. Args: sentence: Input text(sentence). Returns: List of (token, pos_label). Example:: from vnlp import PoSTagger pos = PoSTagger() pos.predict("Vapurla Beşiktaş'a geçip yürüyerek Maçka Parkı'na ulaştım.") [("Oğuz'un", 'PROPN'), ('kırmızı', 'ADJ'), ('bir', 'DET'), ("Astra'sı", 'PROPN'), ('vardı', 'VERB'), ('.', 'PUNCT')] """ return self.instance.predict(sentence)
# this is called when an attribute is not found: def __getattr__(self, name): return self.instance.__getattribute__(name)